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Mid Weekend Update

May 27th, 2007 at 08:49 pm

Friday was a bit of a money manifested, had a hideous head cold and just kind of hung around the house all day. Yesterday was a bit better. Things that I will attribute to manifested money (and when I say manifested money I mean something of a financial gain which was unexpected): a frapuccino from Starbucks (hubby was driving by one and thought of me and brought it to me at work--a nice suprise), a beautiful bouquet of flowers from the Pikes Place market (see above) that friends brought when they stopped by, and three small boxes of cereal from the manufacturer that were tucked in with my newspaper in the morning--Cheerios...Yummy!

Still Manifestin'

May 25th, 2007 at 05:14 am

Today's totally unexpected "manifested money" was a $40 Starbucks gift certificate that a client slipped under my office door as a thank you (for what Im not sure).
~I am a money magnet...I am a money magnet...I am a money magnet~

Nothing Really Manifesting Today

May 24th, 2007 at 04:17 am

Still doing the money manifesting experiment. Didn't get anything unexpected today. I didn't count the paycheck received from a client because that was regular earnings.

I read more from Steve Pavlina's site on this subject and he said that when you first start manifesting you will see some small immediate results then a lull where you may get nothing for a while then the floodgates open. I will keep concentrating and wait for overwhelming abundance!

One small thing that did happen today is when I got my haircut I noticed a lady in front of me using a punch card. I have been going to this salon for ages and never knew they had a punch card where after ten punches you get a free service. The lady at the desk gave me the card and punched all of my visits for th last six months so that was something nice and unexpected.

Money Manifested To Date

May 23rd, 2007 at 05:56 am

This money manifestation thing really seems to be working! Today I got a totally unexpected $86 dollars Smile

Manifested money totals:
Day 1 May 18 used a gift certificate that was donated and found about $2 in coins $47
Day 2 May 19 bus for field trip broke down so will get a $150+ refund
Day 3 May 20 hubby was feeling generaous and filled my gas tank which cost about $42
Day 4 May 21 between coupons and markdowns, saved about $4 when shopping
Day 5 May 22 bought a couple of things for a friend a few months ago and she unexpectedly paid me back today, also found $10 for a total of $86


Still Experimenting

May 22nd, 2007 at 05:57 am

Yesterday I stayed home all day--it was a super busy week so it was nice to just chill for a day. Even though I didn't go anywhere or do anything, hubby took my car and filled it up with gas so I counted that as a little response to my money manifesting experiment.

Today there were no big financial suprises but I was happy to find one of those yummy already-cooked rotisserie chickens for a dollar off because it was after 4pm. Another sign?

Overall Im still experimenting with this money manifesting thing and after reading more of the "how to" about it, I guess it takes a bit of time to get past "little" unexpected amounts of money to the bigger windfalls.

Manifesting Money--Day 2

May 20th, 2007 at 04:29 am

Yesterday's money manifestation experiment went pretty well so I decided to try it again today. I really didn't think anything would "manifest" today because I took a big group to an all day conference where everything was going to be free anyway.

When we were ready to leave the conference, one of the two busses that brought our group was DOS (dead on scene) so we all had to squeeze into the other bus. The result--I will get a refund on the cost of one of the busses. This was completely unexpected but a suprising bit of "found" money. Wow.

Manifesting Money Part 1

May 18th, 2007 at 06:49 pm

I read an interesting blog post last night at and thought, what the heck, tomorrow I will try to manifest some money.

First thing this morning I went to do the laundry and found a dime in the bottom of the washer. Now that isn't a big thing but I was doing the happy dance because at least SOMETHING had manifested. Next I was off to the grocery store to use a gift certificate that was donated in order to buy supplies for an event we are having tomorrow. When I calculated what was in the basket, I figured I would need to add another $5 or $8 to the GC but after the checker rang everything up, she gave me $5 back! Next to the post office where there weren't any checks waiting for me but I did get my cell bill and it was $2 LESS than usual.

Hmmm maybe this money manifesting thing works... Anyway, it isn't even 11am yet so I am really excited to see what will happen throughout the rest of the day!